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What about beauty as a ruling on value?

What about beauty as a ruling on value?

       We live in a world that's full of rich unlimited beauty! We never stop talking about beauty as far as it surrounds us! Whenever we want to buy, give, or get something, we think about this natural moral value! Because it's a part of the human feeling! But, does it exist as an absolute fact according to human judgment?! Is it a relative concept that has a particular connection with each one's point of view?! Is there any universal common beauty criterion?! Are we sure we get good things, depending on our invented beauty standards, as a reference?! When we invent such moral eclectic techniques, we become unfair towards ourselves, and more with others! Especially when we want to get married, to hire someone for a job, to nominate or crown someone?! Is it logical to make hasty preference judgments?!
Please, check a video at the bottom of this post, in which I read this exclusive topic in the English language and translate it into the Arabic language to help non-native English speakers to understand the English language and to help non-native Arabic speakers to understand the Arabic language! The main aim is to ease understandability.

What about beauty as a ruling on value
What about beauty as a ruling on value

How can beauty invented standards reshape human life?

          Allah (our creator) says in the Holy Quran: We have created the human being in the best entire body-form! Allah Has also created everything to be beautifulOf course, there're some exceptions, for example, it's prohibited to eat the flesh of some animals, to drink some liquids, etc! But they are easy to define, even a little boy can, instinctively, decrypt them! So, all the universe is an exclusive natural foundation makeup! What happens next is a result of truth-twisting, committed by the human being! Why? Because as we inherit good ideas from our ancestors, we also inherit a lot of fallacies and misconceptionsThese delusions were engraved in the subconscious mind for which we should make an early checkup! It's generous and desirable to think about health and beauty when we qualify something as beautiful! But the strange illusion is to say "this thing is better than this one", especially when it comes to human beings! Of course, we unconsciously do this, due to our vagary! I mean the phase of egoism that exists in any human being!
          We often focus on the appearing features, that get beautified by many makeup products! It's unjust to judge anybody to belong to a group of niceness or not! Here, we forget about ourselves, and we don't think that we all are equal! We can, only, distinguish between people due to the level of everybody's piety, which's the true beauty supplyBut who can know or decide upon someone's piety degree?! Only Allah (our creator) can, as far as it's a fact of prescience! We don't wonder about the reversed preference equationIf we treat other people inappropriately, we will undergo the same laboratory test, one day! Because we consider them as a stack of tools to choose the best of! So we have to wonder about this question "Can we accept undergoing this test"?!

       In my opinion, to classify human beings on the appearance standards, we have to collect full comprehensive information about the person under test! Which is, in fact, totally impossible! The one, who decides to put someone under a beauty test, requires being a perfect person! However, we know that's just a fantasy illusionSurely you know a lot of open-minded people! So, you can analyze if they randomly judge people up to these delusions, which's the body lookIt's not necessary that these brilliant persons belong to highly educated classes! Most illiterate persons don't use these negative standards to differ between individuals!

What are the consequences of random ready beauty judgments?

           As far as we're living in a beautiful universe, we have to avoid judging anyone on such an uncontrolled scale! Why, because we, simultaneously, misjudge the two attendants' parties! Moreover, we often say something that we don't know! We never expect the future results, either on the elected person or on the rest (the secondary category)! When we organize a contest to choose a beauty queen, we choose the referees committee to pick beautiful girls! This comity gathers persons with different backgrounds, ways of thinking, tendencies, etc! These persons will generate imaginary judgments upon girls they don't know! Besides, the audience does the same thing too! Moreover, they rely on choosing between faces that get reformulated by wholesale makeup! They select bodies that get shaped by some specific clothesBy the end, we get an elected queen that we often wonder how that has happened! Note that they choose, only, one winner or maybe three, and losers are in thousands or millions!

             Could you imagine the residues of such a contest?! I think that the two parties share equivalent losses! Do you agree with me?! The contest selected girl will undergo a total negative change! The simplest thing she can acquire is egoism, arrogance, excessive feeling of excellence! These strange feelings and attitudes will negatively impact all her surroundings too! On the other hand, what will happen to the caravan of the contest loser girls?  Firstly, they had spent a lot of money shopping for beauty products in supermarkets! They were looking for expensive makeup brushes, lipstick?! Here, the side-effects are more difficult to the limit of creating mental troubles that cause diverse organic diseases! Especially that the contest competitors' girls are mostly teenagers! And you know how fragile is human immunity during this sensitive stage! So, rarely a contest loser girl can stand her ground!

What's the right sense of beauty?

            We always hear and say "beauty is as beauty does, beauty is in the eye of the beholder"! It's a matter of mind cleanliness, soul purity, and behavior elegance, but we often surf in delusion! Did it happen to you to judge someone for being unkind, depending on the body features?! Surely! But, as you get in close contact with this person, you discover that you were mistaken! I mean you discover that he/she is a good person! Did you regret that?! But even so, it happens again and again!
          To classify human beings through body criterion or cosmetics effects, that get developed by human beings, is the hardest injustice towards human dignity! We should get rid of these strange habits that lead to contempt, exclusion, marginalization, etc! Before classifying someone, we have to imagine somebody's doing the same thing for us! So, we can feel the negative impact, and then, we'll let this bad habit down!

PS: I think that the best beauty recommendations focus on soul puritySo, I can't include human beings' content photos in this article! Otherwise, I will fall into the trap of fallacies, delusion, misconception, misinterpretation, etc! And that's why I represented beauty with this picture that expresses beauty through these nice butterflies!

       Please, remember that Allah, our creator, has created everybody on the best entire state! Therefore, nature content photos are the best beauty referral products, I guess! So, let's focus more on ethics, speech, and behavior's elegance, etc! Am I all right?!

Please, check this video where I read this exclusive topic in the English language and translate it into the Arabic language to help non-native English speakers to understand the English language and to help non-native Arabic speakers to understand the Arabic language!

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