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Do We Adhere To The Animal Welfare Codes Of Practice Towards Pets (2022)?

Do We Adhere To The Animal Welfare Codes Of Practice Towards Pets (2022)?

   Animals in general, and pets, in particular, are great creatures, so it's our duty to take care of them, why? Because they play an important role in human life, however, all we know about the man-animal relationship, so far, does not exceed 10%! There's a prevailing culture about pets whose content is “the more cats and dogs in the house, or even on the street, the more diseases”!
   Of course, it's a cultural fallacy emanating from some incompetent staff in the field of health, medicine, and treatment! The truth is that “the more pets in the house, the higher the positive energy index, and the stronger the immunity of children, and even adults!
   A question that will sum up everything, and the more we think about it, the more we understand and comprehend the great values ​​of animals, especially cats, and dogs, is: Why does Allah, the Almighty, who created the whole universe, has created animals? And why did Allah make cats and dogs so close to humans?! Why didn't Allah put them in the forest with other wild animals, hippopotamus, dolphins, platypi, lions, elephants, horses, leopard, leopards, polar bears, eagles, hyenas, tigers, giraffes, kangaroos, wolves, foxes, etc?! Is it to cause disease in humans? Is it to disturb people's comfort? Did Allah, the Almighty, send them to weaken human immunity? Or to transmit diseases to us and make us faithful clients to those who specialized in the field of treatment and medicine without merit, and graduated without knowledge or understanding, without the slightest idea of the medical ethics or even the animal welfare codes of practice, and without awareness of the value and importance of pets in the prevention and healing of humans from diseases, and without realizing the lessons that nature offers to humans through animals.
   Here we should mention the important role that pets play in protecting humans from disturbances, noting that science has proven the efficacy of using pets in treating psychological and neurological diseases, especially incurable ones!
   Also, a lot of incompetent staff in the field of religion contributed to creating a huge barrier between humans and dogs because of the religious fallacies created by some Clerics who claim the ability to fatwa,  about dogs! 
   When a person who specializes in jurisprudence or hadith (but is not competent enough) issues a fatwa (big fallacy) saying that “a dog is an unclean creature, and it drives angels out of the house, and if you pet a dog you should renew your ablution for prayer..!” So, what is the destiny of the poor dog regarding the effect of this superstitious fatwa on most people?!

Do We Adhere To The Animal Welfare Codes Of Practice Towards Pets (2022)?
Do We Adhere To The Animal Welfare Codes Of Practice Towards Pets (2022)?

Should cats and dogs' claws (nails) be clipped?

   Please, would you mind avoiding cutting the cat's claws (or cat's nails), because this process negatively affects these special pets! Let's let the cats and dogs live in their original nature, why? Because if the person, who performs this undesirable task, is absent for a long time or if the cat gets lost in the streets and can't return home, her nails will grow unnaturally, and she'll become disabled; unable to climb walls and trees, as usual for normal cats. Moreover, she'll be unable even to walk!

   In addition, cats use claws to clean themselves of insects and parasites that stick to them. They also use claws to defend themselves against the attacks of fierce cats, especially against some types of abnormal dogs (genetically modified dogs)..! If you cut the claws of your cat and then parasites come to live in her fur, she'll go crazy. And if an aggressive cat or a bred dog catches her, she will be easy prey, and you will lose your cat that you loved and spent on her what you do not spend on yourself (I mean myself)! 

   Moreover, if this poor cat falls into a hole or into a neighboring house, she'll not find the survival tool "claws or nails" and therefore you will have harmed her from where you wanted to serve her (I mean cat's claws cut)!

Are pet sterilization and neutering among the ethics of animal welfare?

   Please, would you mind avoiding sterilizing cats, dogs, or any other animal, why? Because, we, as humans, don't have the right to manipulate the level of sexual desire in the animal or prevent animals from breeding, neither through a surgical operation with the aim of eradicating the uterus, nor through injections, nor through contraceptive pills..! We should also not neuter cats and dogs because these illogical practices are considered one of the most dangerous types of infringement on the personal life of the animal, and this's totally unacceptable because this behavior is far away from animal welfare ethics. Moreover, this kind of interference is devoid of the lowest human values.

   If the animal is a non-speaking being, meaning it does not address us in our language (the speech), we should not treat it as a static tool, with which we can do whatever we like. The inability of cats and dogs to speak does not mean that they are speechless, and does not give us the right to manipulate their bodies, not even to think for them or to decide on their behalf! 

   This means "Who gave us guardianship (negative sense) over the animal, and who gave us the freedom to act on animal life (Discretion)?!" Did we ask that cat or that dog before we carried out these malicious operations whether he/she was satisfied with them or not?!

   Everyone, who carries out these random interventions and despicable practices against animals, should know that he/she is transgressing the tasks of Allah, the Almighty, who created the whole universe! Because only Allah has the right to act on animal life because he's the one who created animals and everything! Allah gave animals the gift of mating and procreation, and then a person, with limited knowledge, comes to say “I will sterilize my cat by removing the uterus in order to protect its kittens from death under the wheels of cars and to help my cat keep a slim body!

What is the effect of owning free-breeding cats and dogs?

   I hope you avoid committing this big mistake (sterilization and castration) so that you won't become regretful lately when there will be no way to escape from the torment of conscience and from being asked "Why?" on the Day of Resurrection! Because we do not know the unseen, but Allah, the Mighty, knows it. As long as Allah has endowed these living creatures with the gift of procreation, we should respect Allah’s wisdom, and we should study and learn about the greatness of these creatures to comprehend, as much as we can, some of the greatness of Allah, the Mighty, then to comprehend what Allah wants from the creation of animals, as well as what Allah wants from the reproduction of animals.

   Question: Does it make sense to deprive cats and dogs of breeding? Aren't they living creatures that should be entitled to the happiness of having kittens and puppies? And you, as a cat or dog owner, wouldn't you like to see your cat playing with its baby cats? Wouldn't you like to see your dog as well as your female dog training their young puppies as you have trained them before? One great thing to know is that the first thing that cats and dogs do is train their young to love their owner (meaning you and me)! I hope that you will think about this great value, which is a scientific fact, but before that, it's a divine gift. And if we come to evaluate it correctly, we will achieve miracles, not only goals or objectives:

   - Happiness and optimism, health, fertility, and wealth, resulting in a diversified and growing effect:
   A positive and active person in society. Productive labor and a contributor to the national economy. A good husband. A good wife, enjoying the highest fertility rates, and giving birth naturally, without the need for a cesarean section. A positive and healthy child, psychologically and physically. A diligent student to be a successful future employee. Neighbors united by affection and tolerance. Solidarity society..!

   It may seem strange, but whoever wants to make sure should visit a family that owns cats and dogs, but in a condition that all members of this family are aware of the value of pets! Because the agreement of all family members to love cats and dogs is much better than the agreement of some and the difference of others, and the results also are so different. Then, you'll note the kind of life that the members of that family are living!

Should we clean cats with industrial cleaning materials?

   Cats and dogs are extremely clean animals and anyone who doubts this should only watch a cat or a female dog at the moment of birth. I mean to follow her fine behavior during the first weeks of life of her young (kittens/puppies). I'm sure you'll be amazed by the greatness of these wonderful creatures! How does a cat clean her young, to the limit that you can not find a trace of any kind of excrement or dirt, but where do those secretions go, and who taught her that! 

   Thus, all we should do is rewire the subconscious mind to omit the intellectual fallacies that pretend that the fur of cats and dogs causes allergies, asthma, etc. These are all rumors and lies for such purposes because we are also misled about these facts. Moreover, we turn a blind eye to the real causes of diseases, which are: Unhealthy food, and unhealthy lifestyle.

   The dog is a pure animal and does not cause diseases and does not spoil ablution, so there's no need to renew ablution after petting a dog. These are no more than myths that have nothing to do with the reality of religion because Allah, Almighty, did not mention the dog in Surat Al-Kahf only to add it as decoration of a play or a story that is told for fun. The fact that Allah, Almighty, has placed the dog with the people of the cave, mentioned in the Holy Quran, means many benefits to get from the dog, which we know little about!

   Cats clean themselves even if they live on the street. If you have a cat at home, be sure it's much cleaner! And if you want to raise the level of her hygiene, the best thing you can offer her is a bath with warm water only, and without adding any kind of industrial cleaning materials, why? Because warm water is enough to eliminate parasites stuck in cats and dogs and does not cause any side effects. However, Industrial cleaning products have a negative impact on pets:

   - Hair loss (or fur loss), disturbance of the senses (sight, hearing, smell...), disturbance of sensors, disturbance of pregnancy and childbirth, infertility, congenital disorders (disabilities) of the newborn kittens due to the saturation of its cat mom’s body with a huge amount of chemicals, absorbed from the Industrial cleaning materials, lethargy and oversleeping for long hours of the day, lack of vitality and movement, lack of appetite, vomiting, skin disorders, osteoporosis, brittle claws, the fragility of teeth, a decline in life expectancy, etc.!

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